Herbs magical names
Herbs magical names

The soul stirring sweet scent of this flower instantly puts people in a caring, loving and generous mood.

herbs magical names

Nothing comes close in it's ability to heighten feelings of love and desire as the honeysuckle. So whenever you are down and on the verge of giving up, taking a look at these beautiful flowers will naturally give you the motivation to thrive through anything. That's a reflection of their strength and tenacity. One of the best things I love about dandelions is their ability to grow just about anywhere. Dandelionīest known for: adaptability and strength. I got a job which got me wealth and luck was in abundance too! Sometimes we need to keep our logic on the side and just keep an open heart and see the magic of other living things. And then many conversations after drowning my sorrows someone recommended to buy spearmint and as they say rest is history. There was this time in my life when no matter how hard I worked, how well I prepared for an exam or gave it all my heart, things just won't work out. Spearmintīest known for: attracting wealth and luck. Plus, basil is also known for strengthening romantic bonds, so it's wise to keep a basil indoor plant in your bedroom or doing a lovely cleanse with basil essential oils. It's believed that keeping a basil plant in your home can foster prosperity and peace. Basilīest known for: purity, healing and peace.Ī herb that's not just good for your pizza but also for your heart, mind, body and soul. Carry these flowers in a bag with you everywhere or plant it in your balcony or even your side desk. These are a treat for sore eyes and for your body on days when you think stress will just not leave you alone. Calendulaīest known for: uplifting moods, restoring well-being and soothing.Ī flower that looks as good as it cures, calendula flowers are celebrated for their ability to create a very relaxed environment wherever they are placed. Rosemary is world famous for enhancing feelings of love and mental clarity, so it will work it's magic in making you feel settled on days you feel the most uneasy.

herbs magical names

When you are desperately seeking clarity or wanting to firmly close in on a decision but just cant, it's wise to spread rosemary essential oils in your bedroom or hang a spruce of it at your favourite window. Rosemaryīest known for: spreading positivity, love and inducing deep sleep.

herbs magical names

These herbs are easily available and will not only create really good vibes but make your house look fabulous! 1. In order to let you in on the power of herbs, we prepared this list of herbs that can foster prosperity, protection and love in your home. Chefs and doctors can't stop raving about the magic of herbs. A private herb garden has now become a status symbol. However, herbs have made a supreme comeback and are now regaining their luster for their curing, ailing and beautifying properties. Since herbs have always taken time to deliver desired results, we didn't have the patience to see how magical herbs are. Then Sumerians (considered to be the creators of human civilization as know it) also wrote about life saving prescriptions of thyme.īut then with the advancement of science and technology, herbs lost their appeal. The oldest surviving text of Chinese herbal pharmacology, extensively detailed a life-saving prescription of mixing camphor and cannabis. Some five thousand years ago, herbs were considered to be lifesavers.

Herbs magical names